Conf. Dr. Lupușoru Raoul-Vasile

Teme de interes pentru cercetare
- Biomaterial compatibility (including nanomaterials), nanotoxicology, and experimental pathophysiology (animal models of diabetes, ultraviolet irradiation)
- Gold nanoparticles functionalized with cell penetrating peptides for efficient drug delivery systems, „Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Internal Grant, Nr. 30886/30.12.2014, manager, 2015 2016
- Innovative Topical Formulations for Skin-directed Therapy of Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma, Proiect Parteneriate, Nr. 187/2014, member, UEFISCDI, Romania, 2014-2017
- Sisteme nanotransportoare topice pe bază de silice mezoporoasă pentru terapia locală a cancerului cutanat, Proiect de mobilităţi, România-Republica Moldova, Nr. 30/BM/2016, member, 2016-2018
Posibilitati tehnice (aparatură, echipamente)
- Sonopuls sonicator
- Spin Coater, Single Wafer Spin Processor
- Inverted confocal microscope Nikon Ti-E
- SEM and TEM
- Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS, Zen-3500 model
- UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Hitachi U-2001 model
- Laminar flow hood – Holten S2000 model 1.8
- Cooled centrifuge – Jouan MR 18-22
- Cell culture incubator with 5% CO2, Revco Habitat
- Digital pH-meter (Inolab, Model Level 2)
- Reversed fluorescence and phase contrast microscope contrast Olympus IX51, with image capture system